A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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An otherworldly Metroidvania with familiar but new gameplay and lewd interactions with thicc aliens!

The new updated demo features two male and one female interactable minibosses all with two different animations. These minibosses have a dominant and submissive animation which can be viewed when either touched or Bomb Punched by the player while the enemy is in the final dazed state . The demo also features one huge boss!

The innovative free-aim mechanic improves on the familiar 8-way directional aiming from similar Metroidvanias!

Help this brave fox survive and get-off ON Planet Zargia!!!

Features gamepad/keyboard and mouse controls, also features Intiface/Buttplug.io support for players with compatible adult toys to really feel the action!

Classic Gamepad Controls(xbox layout)

  • A - Jump
  • X - Shoot/hold and release for Power Punch
  • Y - Tiny Morph
  • B - BackDash
  • Left Bumper - Free-Aim
  • Right Bumper - Aim-Lock

Keyboard/Mouse Controls

  • WASD/ZQSD - Move
  • E - Tiny Morph
  • Shift - BackDash
  • Space - Jump
  • Left Click - Shoot/hold and release for Power Punch

Also featuring new control schemes including one-handed modes for keyboard and controller! Caution: Easy mode is recommended for one-handed control schemes

The game is well under development with improvements shared daily with StickyKeys subscribestar.adult subscribers! Supporters can get inside access, private builds, background cameos, and vote in new lewd character designs added to the game!
Consider supporting and become an active part of Star Spawn's development!


Here is a recorded 100% playthrough of the game if you get stuck:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yKU1LxqQo-aYzoSSd38qukfeQkyJk447/view?usp=drive...

This game was made with Unity 6, your system must have the minimum required specs to run  it.

This includes Windows 10 version 21H1 (build 19043) or newer for the windows build.

You can find the full specifications right here : https://docs.unity3d.com/6000.0/Documentation/Manual/system-requirements.html#de...

Updated 5 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(81 total ratings)
AuthorsFluffy_Kaeloky, Drafy, sesvanbrubles
Tags2D, Adult, Furry, Pixel Art, Singleplayer
Average sessionAbout an hour


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

StarSpawn_Demo_1.0h1_Win64.zip 170 MB
StarSpawn_Demo_1.0h1_Linux.zip 178 MB
StarSpawn_Demo_1.0h1_Win64.rar 155 MB

Development log


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Saw a few of the animations and it looks good. Curious of something though. How many cumflation scenes will there be of you inflating an enemy? I saw the one with the hugger, and it looks like the main character could easily do it to a lot of things. S'just my sorta thing, so I'm curious.


Love the Metroid vibes in this game!  Quick question: will a sex animation gallery be implemented down the road?  You know, something to view after experiencing the animation once in-game that can be later accessed in the file select menu.

Just a suggestion.  Thank you for your time and I look forward to more updates!  Hope everyone is doing well.

(1 edit)

Hi ! There is a bestiary at the end of the demo, along with a save station. You can save there to fight any of the monsters quickly ;)


D'oh!  Silly me, should've played to the end of the demo.  Thank you for the quick reply and the info. 

Stay awesome!


Hmm.  Gameplay is pretty good, jumping feels kinda floaty but it works.  Bosses are kinda button mashy (mainly worm) but deal with able.  Graphics are very nice, both backgrounds and characters, animations are really nice too.  But I do really wish you could at least turn off the bone animation when you die and just have it stay at nude then cum.  I really really don't like explicit death in a sexy game.  I know the skeleton is cartoony but its still more explicit then I like.


Legit kudos for making a game that actually stays true the Metroidvania vibes. From the music, to the exploration+backtracking to secret breakable walls. Sound design is on top, too.


Do you think you could add performance options such as being able to toggle off bloom, extra particle effects, etc? In some parts of the game it runs fine for me but I've noticed a few rooms with a ton of foliage and particle effect really tank fps, particularly the parkour segments in the underground jungle.

PS: a map would make this game a lot better to play :3

A map is definitely in our Todo list, and we'll try our best to keep performances in check :)

Please make an Android version I have been following you since when I downloaded the gooey ghoulies

I've enjoyed the game for the most part, but I seem to be stuck. I've just beat the worm boss, and in the area that follows there's a very big room with a lot of exits, but none of them work for me, including the one I entered through. And when I tried other paths before that room I can't find a way to continue with the abilities I have.

(4 edits)

Hi, you may have downloaded the game in a short time window (about twenty minutes) the day of the release where I made a mistake and had to fix it quickly. The doors are not supposed to do this and it was a bug.

I fixed that silently with the same version number (1.0h1). Try downloading the game again. You can use your same save file. 

Sorry about that :s

EDIT: Might have been the builds on the devlog as well. Updated the builds.


I really like the music in the demo so far once i heard the one for the Bossowrm man did i know i was in for a hard one. Neat the worm fights like Serris from Fusion haven't bat him yet but i'll get there. Wish i could listen to the music as mp3 when i wanted to though


Looking good so far, back when you first announced it years ago I was there giving suggestions. I wasn't really into alien creatures so I suggested some non alien creatures but I happen to like most of them after playing the game. It turned out very nice can't wait to see more.

Much appreciated!! I'm glad you enjoyed the designs and thank u for playing~

i beat the demo but i can only get one animation from each one even when trying to use the power punch is this intentional in the demo or am i doing something wrong

You can also just walk into them when they are dazed.

i still only get the one animation regardles

So, at first I had a similar issue with getting only the dominate animation with the Punchshrimp boss.  But then instead of walking into the boss (from either side) after getting it dazed.  I was able to Power Punch and get the submissive animation. 

I guess the only thing that's on my mind is implementing something to indicate when your close enough to Power Punch a dazed boss, like a flashing outline around the boss?  Just a thought; otherwise I'm enjoying my time playing.

thanks for the tip

while i'm trying to like the game i sadly do feel abit lost i got the punch and tiny form but after that i'm abit lost on where to go. Found the Bossworm was near my landing site but after trying i figured out i'm not ready for him yet. BUt would like an idea where i should go noticed there's a button for a laser i don't have and one room in the yellow area with two punch shrimp i can't figure out how to reach yet I know i can but it's doing it. Still like others wish there was a map hard to figure where i haven't been yet


I have recorded an entire 100% playthrough of the game you can watch right here if you need some help. :)


Oh thanks! Kinda dislike having to use one but well hard to figure where to go when there's not sense of direction now i sadly see how hard it was to navigate the original Metroid on NES

Understandable. The tiny holes all over the starting area Zennia are supposed to catch your attention so when u get TinyMorph you know to return and keep exploring.

Pretty nice. Weird lobster creature though.


I'm glad u found it nice :D
Don't hurt the PunchShrimp's feelings! He's very sensitive



In the third scene, in the room of double elite monsters, defeating and executing two elite monsters at the same time will lead to the animation of two protagonists and elite monsters. I hope it can be updated to trigger one animation at a time or add an animation of three characters at the same time. In addition, the map design of the game is great, even if there is no nsfw content, it is a very good work.

Can you do a full screen pls 

You can already set the window mode and resolution to your liking in the settings in the main menu.


Gotta say, this game is fantastic mate! I only encountered like..three bugs in my play through, can't wait to see what all the "scenes" look like, bc so far everything looks great!

Thanks for playing!!! Much appreciated <3

Hey, as a heads up, my Windows Defender is flagging the file as a trojan, doesn't even let the download finish.

I've played plenty of your games before and never gotten a warning, so I figured I'd let you know.

(2 edits)

Hi, we've had the same issue a couple days ago for early playtests. It's unfortunately not an isolated case of Unity's DLL being flagged as a false positive. If you tell defender to keep the file and unzip, you can scan again and the false positive will disappear. It somehow only does that with the zip, and won't do it if I use a rar instead.

Edit: I re-zipped the build in a .rar format and added it to the list of downloads. Try this if Windows Defender still gives you troubles.


after playing thru what i think is the end of content only had a few real gripe, yes one is bossworm. the long animations and time to get to the boss added in a factor that sucked the fun out of it and added frustration due to the ammount of retrys it takes to learn the paterens.

rembering this while typing it out, bossworms phase 2's charge attack can go copulate with a cheesegrater. that was the only one i really hated in the fight itself yes i know you telegraph it but by the time the sequence fades for the attack itself to start it was too much to memorize while dodging the adds and if i delt with the adds i couldnt memorize the pattern which with phase 2s larger hitbox makes it feel cheap almost like unavoidable damage.

think i found a bug. after fighting the big lizard slug dude the doors dont function in the room after next so i couldent backtrack. shame too, found this when i diddnt have the backdash so i had to start from last checkpoint.

the cockhugger, the interactable one's spawn is so low it feels more like an easter egg. liked the animation though.

that one mini puzzle in the jungle is cheeseable drop down with some acid dropers and they can break a certain block you are ment to shoot mid-air... its also a nicer solution as the timing for that shot is really cruel.

if my tones negitive i apologize as thats not my intent. hard to convey tone with text. the game itself is fun, i was just pointing out the pain bits from my experience with it... speaking of which is there a map upgrade? its easy to get lost.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for all the feedback ! 

Don't hesitate to lower the difficulty should the game be too hard. But we take all feedback into consideration and we will try to get more playtesting done to adjust the worm boss :)

The door backtracking issue was indeed a bug and has been fixed in hotfix h1 ^^

A map is definitely something we want to add for future releases. It would just have delayed this release too much though.

I'm glad that your overall experience was still fun though ! Glad you like it :)

err lower difficulty? diddnt see that option in game anywhere, do you mean start a new file?


Oh, yes, my apologies. Creating a new save file is currently the only way to lower difficulty. Adding that feature to the game is something completely doable within the game and we want to add that with the in-game setting menu. 

Alternatively, if you are feeling adventurous, you can also edit your save file located in %appdata%/locallow/StickyKeys/StarSpawn. They are plaintext json and relatively easy to edit ^^


wouldnt bee the first time ive mucked with files, doing it with IVAN was fun. i wonder what i can get away with here? thanks for leaving it open will have to try it sometime.

out of curiosity do you have plans for a mobile build with gamepad compatibility?

Not right now. We have explored the possibility though but there would be some changes required.

after downloading the new demo would i need to start a new file?

Old files should still work, but it is highly recommended to start a new game.


Would it be possible for enemies to get a third animation if you run into them while shrunk?
(I personally enjoy and prefer vore, but something simpler like just being help like a fleshling also work great)

(1 edit)

That's something that we talked between us about before in development.

It's definitely in the back of our minds. We'll try to make it happen but I can't promise anything. It depends on how development good as adding an animation to most enemies for that is a ton of work artwise ;)

Are there plans to eventually add animations for the common enemies, or is it just going to be bosses?

(2 edits) (+1)

We are working on adding *some* animations under conditions for smaller enemies, testing with the cockhuggers for now. We don't want to detail too much from the gameplay, so minor enemies will need specific conditions for that. 

Medium enemies (punch shrimp, the orange with green hair creature, and the soon to come cyclops will all have at least two H sequences. They are not bosses and you can find them in the overworld once they have been introduced.

Finally, we plan on having intractable bosses later. We just choose kind of a poor design for the first boss for that purpose... We'll choose better on the next ones ^^

Cool, looking forward to it!


how do I defeat the worm boss if I die from a blow when his hp bar is on fire


That would be the end of the fight. It means you took too long to kill it. Keep your uptime on the rockets and use the power punch to your advantage when a lot of damage was done recently with rockets to kill him in time.

If you still can't defeat the boss, you can also lower the difficulty. The boss will have less HPs.

Good luck :)


Honestly this game has a lot of potential there's just some things that need to be addressed (I left a review addressing said problems)


When will be next update?

We are working on it. I can't tell an exact deadline, but we are doing our best. You can ask more questions on our discord where we are the most active :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Alright where's the discord. Never mind I found it


Will this be on mobile soon?

There is no plan on deploying to mobile yet.

how i get pass the bones in the bee hive looking area idk how to get pass ther


There is a video playthrough available in the game's description of you are stuck somewhere.


Sometimes i had many ideas. For example. While playing again a gooey ghoulies, i thought that Elroy (snail boi) could be a some kinda scientist on planet in game, that was left by crew or somethin


For future notice if you ever put this on Steam I would happily buy it, it gave be happy memories of Super Metroid and it is perfectly nice to control 10/10


Wow, I'm impressed with how much content there is for a demo. Plays great, looks better, and sounds appropriate. My one complaint is the damage invulnerability, it sucks. Too short to properly reasses moves from bosses, and too short to correct those mistakes. It doubles the amount of backtracking just to get another go for clearing a challenge. The extra energy tanks are neat but still just add another 3 hits in that takes 3 seconds to deplete one charge.

Other than that, I'll keep an eye on this one. Pixel art as this cannot go unnoticed. Best of wishes!


Is there gonna be in a future a way to change the main character gender? femenine and perhabs futa?


That game already exists; go play The Adventures of Kincaid, Deep in Brixen Space, Arma's Quest, or any of the likely many other straight furry games, and let us have one of the very few gay-centric furry games that isn't a visual novel. 


Oh So Hero slipped your mind there bud? There are lot of gay centric games. Furry = Mainly gay. Just look around.


"very few" doesn't mean none, "bud." Good job at naming one other gay platformer versus the numerous straight ones. xD

(1 edit) (-1)

You obviously are sour about this subject buddy. Go to f95 and look at the FURRY tag. Over 106 of them are all gay exclusive. And there and numerous gay only furry games on Itch.io as well. You can down vote me all you want but you are not looking hard enough. 

Here is the tags you need to look at.

Top games tagged Furry and Gay - itch.io
And before you start on me, I know not all of them are platformers. The fact is if you only stick to one sexuality in games you will lose possible support and thus lose money.

Not everything needs to be one thing or another. You can always just avoid the content you don't like. That is what most people tell us non-gay furs to do anyways. 

(2 edits) (-2)

Push your anti-lgbt+ stances on another platform like x; you're not welcome here. Just because you don't like gay content doesn't mean you can push your want for straight content on others; go play one of the thousands of games already made to cater to your demographic and leave this safe corner of the internet for those it was made to appeal to.


We do not have plans for now to make a female player character.


I think this game def needs some additions bout enemies. For example game over where main char is fucked by normal enemies or some kind of power up that make main char fuck normal enemies to gain health or other stuff


plz let me have sex with other mobs!


Just finished playing the demo, I'm absolutely FLOORED with the amount of content available in just the demo!! I think this game has absolutely limitless potential! I didn't expect it to be a metroidvania, but I guess I did approach it without looking into it much lol, big bug do the funy sexy right? The sprites and background art are beautiful, the animations are extremely fluid and aesthetically pleasing, and the bossworm fight is So fun!! Took me a minute to figure out the attack patterns and stuff but that's fully a user error type thing. 

On a side note, I only encountered one small bug while playing! IF you take damage at the same time as releasing the power punch, it'll lock the character sprite in punch mode. The only thing this affects mechanically is that you cannot mini-morph while in this state.

I can't wait to see where this game goes, and I'm definitely gonna subscribe to the substar after experiencing this!


So just finished it (The, what I will assume is a) percentage meter thing is at 95% but I'm going to guess I missed some minor thing somewhere but nothing terrible.

Game is good, a bit tough but not too bad, and looking forward to more.

One small question, the preview images has the character doing stationary firing in all directions. Am I missing a button I'm supposed to use to hold and fire, because that would have made those little flying bots in the boss fight a bit easier to handle >.>

Using a controller, the left bumper allows you to stop moving and aim in eight directions with the stick. Additionally, the right bumper will allow you to 'lock' that aiming direction and resume movements. Letting go of the left bumper will also resume movements.

Using mouse and keyboard, the cursor serves as an aim target.

Ah, I heard noise when I hit the bumpers but the sound had me thinking it was to cycle through things that aren't in the demo. Sorry

(2 edits) (+1)

NGL, thats a very well animated game

and as a Metroid fan, it really hits home

just one thing, the game altough fun feels a bit slidy, like if the place is covered in ice or something, thats not bad tough since i got used to it very quickly


Thanks ! The 'slidiness' of the player character was something that was in some megaman games that we tried to replicate. It's not something that everyone likes though, so we might indeed reduce it on next updates :)


I made an account just so I could comment
Amazing game, beautiful art, I love the sound design
I would like you to bind the superpunch to right click (or X controller button here) and replace the "hold" feature with an auto-fire, because my finger is a bit sore after a bit of mashing that attack button

I found two bugs thus far, the first is if you kill the wormboss during it's laser blast, it keeps that graphic during the cutscene, and on it's corpse. The second, is the elevator softlocks you if you go up it, because it doesn't come back down. I've had to beat the boss twice because of this.

I also suggest having a save point immediately after major area bosses, as i, in my noobness, perished immediately after having faced the boss.

I believe this game has an amazing future ahead of itself, I know a bit about coding, and i'm also an artist. I see every last drop of love in this game, both mechanically and graphically. I feel as if you spared no expense and cut zero corners in your project thus far, and that is amazing!

If you are taking ideas and suggestions, I'll put a list here, but until then, this comment's pretty much done, thank you for reading!

A main rival or recurring antagonist (whomst've you fuck, naturally)
I noticed an area where there were two punchshrimp, I'd like it if they could gangbang the protag!
Romance options, if you feel you are going that direction at all, I would like the ability to romance multiple characters please!
full-on bosses that you can fuck (or get fucked by when you lose), not all of them, i loved the worm boss! But having a boss similar to that creature that you can "interact" with would be just lovely!

I assume you're going to add more weapons, and doors that can only be opened by X weapon, one that I suggest would be an "oil slick", it can do damage on it's own, but it could also speed up the player's base movement at the cost of being a bit slippery! there could be a fun mechanic where using it on a "charging enemy" makes them bash into a wall, momentarily dazing them!

I'm not sure how you'd include this, but, Kissing! maybe it could be a re-triggerable cutscene with an npc, where they just smoosh their fat lips against the screen/against the player's visor!

If it's alright with you, i'll be happy to comment more ideas if i come up with any! Thank you very, very much for making this game, I look forwards to it's development!

(1 edit) (+1)

Woah, I read your comment on my phone, and just had to get back on my computer to reply.

That's one hell of a comment you left there. I really appreciate the fact that you took the time to let us know what you thought in such details.

I'm going to go point by point :)

The right click is alas occupied by something already. I'll tell you about it at the end of my reply :p

The hold feature is definitely something we already thought about, but we're unsure how to add... I'm with you on that, we'll have to think of something.

For the boss graphic, I'll have to check that, thanks for the report. For the elevator, it should normally return to your position if you approach it even if it's not there (Though I wouldn't recommend staying on its path. You will get squished.) It is not really required to go back up though, the next part is not up there ^^

For the save point right after the boss, yeah, that zone was a bit rushed. We actually didn't really plan to have it on the demo initially, but eh, we wanted Rask to be there too, and it made sense for him to be there. That's also why so many doors are blocked off, they all lead to ugly, grey checkerboard in-progress rooms :p. The save point was added in a bit of a rush and should have been a smidge closer. 

I'm really glad you appreciate the work that was put into the game. As the developer of the team, I assure you that I did everything to not only have the 'game' part of the game working, but also all the surrounding systems. I wanted to have a full gameplay and system loop (well, almost, looking at you completion percentage >:( ), and I feel like we succeeded in that regard. It warms my heart for you to pick up on that :)

As for your suggestions:

It's tough to say what we will or won't do just yet. With the release of the demo, we haven't had the time to fully sit down and talk about what to do next just yet. My entire time was recently taken by keeping up with comms, and updating the demo to fix major issues.

Though I can say that some of your suggestions were already talked about. It's then a matter of thinking how much we want to spend development time and resources. For example, I really like the idea of having two medium enemies going both at you. But it's very easy to overextend. It's already a lot of animation work if you think about it since we have at least two variants per enemy. And what if you have two different enemies ? It's definitely something we will think over though.

Interactable bosses is also something we definitely wanna do. It's just that for prototyping, the worm seemed like a good idea... until we realized we were kinda stumped as to what to do lewd wise with a giant worm...

Expect next bosses to be more sexy and interactable though !

And feel free to join the Discord, we're fairly active there :)

Finally, about the right click... I'll let you on a small secret for such a comment. The save files are located in %appdata%/LocalLow/StickyKeys/StarSpawn. Save profiles are just json plaintext files, very easy to edit with a notepad.

Inside a saved profile, look for the GUID "357027ee-ccee-471e-861a-fe4201e027e6". This is the save-state for the player's unlock profile. It has some little upgrades that were not used for the demo if you are curious. Watch out, some of them will sequence break the game :p

That way you'll find out what the right click is used for :p

i... got a big problem. so basically, i'm stuck in the start because i can't do tiny morph, i literally pressed all the the keys from my keyboard and the character never morphed into tiny. i don't know if anyone else is having this issue. i barely can do anything.

Tiny morph is an upgrade you'll get later in the game. Look for another way :)

ah.. well.. i'll see what i can do because i'm very confused at the moment...

You can always take a look at the playthrough linked in the description of the game if you are stuck :)

(Please note that the playthrough was recorded with the first version of the demo, a couple things might be different, but the path stays the same.)

thanks. i might take it in count, i felt really dumb when i had to jump into an hole in the start. i can't believe i didn't see it

only getting one anim....:( 


You can either walk into a dazed enemy, or power punch him to get an alternative animation.


The demo was amazing and definietly worth the download.

The main issue I had was lacking a compatible controller. I know an Xbox controller would work here, but I don't have that. I tried using a Switch Pro controller and a PS4 controller, but neither worked. Are there plans to make these other controllers compatible in the future?

There were minor framerate issues, but that's most likely because I was playing on a Chromebook.

The gameplay is incredible and the art style is beautiful. This and Oh So Hero are easily my top 2 favorite adult furry games.


Oh dam, you're the first one I've heard that ran the game on Chromebook. The Switch Pro or PS4 Controllers should have worked, as we use a generic controller template for mapping the controls. Unfortunately, we lack a Chromebook to test that. It is most likely an issue with the library we use for mapping controls, Rewired on Chromebook, but again, we can hardly test that :s

Still, I'm glad keyboard and mouse worked for you, and that you liked the game ! :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Understandable. I'll hopefully be able to play these games with less scuffed methods in the future.

One cool thing I discovered is that I can tap the screen to fire because my chromebook has touch-screen. It's unorthodox, but anything beats using that track pad.

Also, separating the animation where the yellow mini-boss is cumming on you from the ending explosion would be super hot. Same goes for red where he's filling you up. Actually, having the climax being separate from the explosion would be nice in all scenarios. 


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